A cheerful robin on a christmas card |
Cards have started arriving at our house but not all of them are real, some are emails. So how do you feel about this? I know times are hard and many people resent the costs involved in buying the cards and the postage but it is traditional. I for one like to balance the cost by making my own cards, mainly because I enjoy it and because it has become a tradition in our house. This means the outlay is low but the fun element is great, afterall we don't have a television and have not had one for over 10 years so we like to make our own entertainment. Anyway, whatever you decide I hope you enjoy the result. We have not designed our cards yet as its usually done nearer the time and sometimes in a huge rush, but done it is.......................
I'm with you on this one. An email message just isn't the same. Right now our kitchen table is strewn with cards, stamps and the address book.
I hope this will be the last year I buy cards, but then, I always hope it will be! I always want to make our own but have never managed it.
I like Christmas cards, I don't make my own ( i know I should) My son stopped sending cards a few years ago, he makes a donation to a charity instead and this year he's working in a charity shop a few hours each weekend as well!
I think I might make some special cards with silk paper stars on the front this year but they will be time consuming so I will only make a few.
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