
Tuesday, 1 September 2009

North West Region Bulletin just in from Kathryn Thompson

NW Region Bulletin September 2009

I hope that everyone has had a good Summer despite the weather and is looking forward to the next EG year.

Information from HC is that the Guild have asked for an extention of the lease until April 2011 which gives the working party that has been set up (all working in a voluntary capacity) time to assess the various potential new accommodation options. No details were forthcoming but apparently not all the sites are in the South of England, they are spread throughout the UK.

Anthea Godfrey, the Guild Chairman is attending and addressing our North West AGM at County Hall Preston on the 17th October – we’ll hope for more information then.

I have written a report on the Branch Officer Training days that we held in June. The report, and an electronic copy of the Branch Constitution will be attached to this Bulletin when it is sent to Branch Chairs – I will post hard copies to those without email. Please take time to read the report, both the days were well received and hopefully the topics we covered will help in the running of the Branches. If you were at one of the days and think that I’ve missed something important, let me know.

Booking information for the AGM has been sent to Branch Secretaries, obviously any member can attend the AGM without payment but we do need to have an idea of numbers. There is then an option to buy a ticket covering just hot drinks and a third option for hot drinks and lunch. Following comments last year, we have ordered the sandwiches to be served on both white and brown bread.

After lunch we are planning a follow on session from the training days with activities for both Branch Officers (and potential ones) and other members.

The NW Region and Altrincham Branch will be at Manchester Central this coming weekend – Friday 4th to Sunday 6th September. Altrincham will be exhibiting a selection of their work and the Region is showing the rainbow squares which certainly make an attractive display. We will be doing our best to promote all our Branches.

I took a selection of the squares to show the organizers at Styal Mill (Quarry Bank) where we are exhibiting on the weekend of 10th /11th October – they were astonished how effective the squares are (and that was only about 5% of them) and they are preparing a lot of publicity for us. It was very encouraging that several members of the public who were visiting the property that afternoon came over to have a closer look and wanted to know what they were all about.

Lyn Szygenda emailed to ask if NW Region can ‘man’ a portion of ‘The World’s Longest Embroidery’ at the Harris Museum, Preston for one day – Saturday 14th November. If anyone can offer an hour or two please let me know.

I have been sent a list of ladies who qualify for their 25 year badges from Bolton Branch but do need to know of any in other Branches who qualify before the AGM.

Lytham St. Annes Branch held a very successful exhibition at the Assembly Rooms in August. It was a very attractive display – not to mention the extremely tempting cakes that were being served!

Lytham St. Annes and Blackpool Branch are making headway with planning for Regional Day 2011 and Manchester Branch is very organized preparing for next year’s event. We still need a Branch, or neighbouring Branches, to come forward to host in 2012. Perhaps it could be an item on your AGM agenda to discuss the possibility?

Kathryn Thompson

NW Region Chair

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