We ventured briefly into the world of vw campervans only to discover their greatest fault which is no room. When you consider their are two of us + Bella the Border Terrier (who has a thing about comfort) and that we will often be in very wet mountain boots and rucksacks etc you begin to wonder where it will all go??? Not on the seat which turns into a bed..nor on the sparse cupboards or the very limited floorspace..
So the answer was simple Carry On Camping!.. But with a bit more style perhaps? Read into that the fact that for once we both decided it might be a good idea to be able to stand up in the thing instead of crawling about all the time and we thought having a sit on our new camping chairs in the outer 'lounge' might be rather jolly too.
Luckily as we live in the adventure capitol of the UK (Keswick) we found a team of real experts who happily showed us the latest in tent technology. So if you need advise about a tent go here http://www.thetentteam.co.uk/
So this delightful, large, roomy and Border Terrier friendly edifice sits as I write in the back garden and will shortly be packed up and taken to our next adventure in Scotland next week. When I get back I will let you know how it behaved itself.......and, more importantly, if Bella approved.
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