This is not my rug but belongs to a friend with a holiday cottage. She knows I can repair things so asked if I would look at this. Well its not embroidery or quilting but I have dabbled with weaving and darning in the past. Rugs like this one can be repaired by professionals but as its a small area I thought I would give it a go. Basically, I think it has been caught in a vacuum cleaner and tugged and then the tear on the fringe has become worn and extended over time. I needed to check what type of rug I was dealing with first and found out from the back of it that its a single weft, Hamadan rug, which means Turkish knots and rough, strong wool and also some camel hair. The rug smells of very old incense too so it was probably made in a tent or similar. If you look at the dyes most of them are vegetable but I suspect the bright orange is a chemical one, so it's not that old but it is good quality.
You can see that I needed to weave some new warps and wefts into the edge and I also had to stabilise the end warps which were broken so that the knots of wool would not slide off, this required a sort of blanket stitch. I have not quite finished replacing the warps in this photo. I find the rug very heavy to pull onto my lap whilst working so only do half an hour at a time as its quite a strain and also the rug covers me in fine gritty sand. I will need to give it a good bashing outside with a broom handle and then vacuum it carefully when I am done. All being well I will post again when it progresses. I think a challenge on this scale does depend on a certain degree of luck, and I hope the repair works, time will tell.