This cuckoo clock was on the wall at the NEC last week and it was very cleverly made with a mouse on the top left which you cannot see in this photo from the front. The reason I loved it was because I often place a pink sugar mouse on my kitchen clock at Christmas on the top left too.
I did photograph some of the quilts on show but it was one of those days when my new camera phone and I did not agree. Some shots worked and others did not and I don't want to post up inferior photos so next time I go to the Festival of Quilts I will take a camera......
I was not helped by the placement of some of the winning quilts in a corridor which was the main thorough fare of the show mind. Every time I tried to line up a shot it was pandemonium and there was not enough space to step back to get the quilts in. I saw one woman contorting herself with her head actually leaning against a winning quilt trying to line up a shot of a quilt on the opposite wall.
I expect some professionals managed to photograph them but I failed.